I am so sorry I've been MIA for a bit...this week I have tried to be super mom, get report cards finalized, prepare for Easter (outfits, photos, cards. . . ), take care of last minute party stuff for Solomon (who turned one today!!!), and capture priceless photos of my boys since now Solomon is also on the move (walking full speed and getting into any and every thing possible)! But enough about that...here's what's been going on in room 18!
I really LOVE this book so we used it this week to talk about fantasy/reality and for text to self connections. Then we did some directed drawing and splatter painting (which the kids absolutely loved)!
We read two of David Shanon's great books to practice "fantasy and reality" as well.
Then each student created their own book cover and we sorted them into groups ( fantasy or reality?).
We're still going green. We observed our greenhouse, made a promise to Mother Earth, and wrote about what it really means to "go green."
We made a giant hand print "promise" of the Earth.
We practiced telling time in several ways. We started working on a giant clock...which is still a work in progress. We also wrote a class book called "Fergie's Day" in response to "Good Boy Fergus."
We're also working on some estimation and problem solving with jelly beans, and this book is perfect!
I'm looking forward to a 3 day weekend of relaxation...it will be our final day off
before the last day of school !