Monday, May 16, 2011

MIA. . .

I have been totally MIA for the last few weeks, and I've missed blogging so much!  We're putting our house on the market so for the past weeks we've been cleaning, organizing, and landscaping.  That has taken priority, but I  am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Today  I also wrapped up all of my end of the year testing so I can just have a little fun with my kiddos now!  I'll have a great post tomorrow with some fun end of the year classroom activities.


  1. We miss you! {I have been MIA too}

  2. Missed you too! I think this is a busy time for everyone!

    Randi @

  3. I have missed your posts tremendously! You are my favorite teacher on here. I can't wait to check every night to see what you post. I can't wait until tomorrow!

  4. Thank you everyone...Check back this evening!


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