Saturday, March 5, 2011

The face of a reader. . .

These are the cards that are hanging along with the student's portraits.  I laminated them so that they could be reused.  For the first couple of months (August/September), we focused on introducing the parts of "FACE" and building confidence.  
We are at the point now that we have mini-lessons periodically to review each of the components.  Also each six weeks, my students decide which skill they want to focus on:  fluency, accuracy, comprehension, or expanding vocabulary.  The tiny sticky notes have student names on them.  I  conference with them during guided reading, independent reading time, and Daily 5 to check on progress and monitor growth.  I have really seen my first graders take a lot of ownership this year.   
I love how they hold each other accountable for their goals as they work together.  This is the first year that I've done this, and I'm constantly thinking about how to improve for next year.  If you use "FACE or CAFE," I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas.  Also I'm counting down the days until I head to San Antonio for a workshop with "The Sisters."  I have heard wonderful reports about their seminars, and I plan to soak in all of their knowledge, tips, and tricks!
cafe menu


  1. Thank you for sharing! I have also heard they are wonderful presenters, so I am jealous! Enjoy!

  2. They are great funny ladies! You'll learn a lot! When they came to my city it was in the heat of summer, the air was out in the gym where they presented and the power kept flickering on and off...but they gave a great presentation on D5 and CAFE. Enjoy!
    Ms. A
    Oceans of First Grade Fun

  3. I've seen them 3 times and I'm going to see them again this May! They are fabulous. They're passion for teaching is contagious. Also, they were so great about answering questions from everyone.

    What I love is they are still teaching. There is that connection to the real world which allows them to evolve. They are willing to make changes and explore other options that will improve their teaching. I wish the sisters lived near me! The teachers in the Washington area where they teach are so lucky to have them!
    Thanks for sharing this. I love the Daily 5 but I'm still struggling with the CAFE piece because I'm required to use our reading series and maintain guided reading groups. I'd much rather have strategy grouping and conferencing but my school is still in the dark ages!

  4. Andi,
    I use CAFE in guided reading groups and with the reading series. I have a modified Daily 5 in my class: work on writing, word work, listening, buddy reading, and guided reading. I use strategy grouping within my guided reading groups and we focus on s specific strategy from the CAFE board. But I also have class strategy to focus on each week so the students are understanding the board. We make goals whole group, in guided reading, and then during independent reading (which is right after Daily 5 rotations). You really can still use Daily 5 and CAFE with a reading program as long as your school is a little flexible in the curriculum. I hope this helps you!
    P.S. I LOVE the FACE of a reader...I'm changing my CAFE board next year to FACE too cute! A few people on my team have adopted FACE after seeing your board as well.

  5. I found the FACE idea after I had already started my CAFE menu in the fall! I think it is so adorable! You are so lucky that you get to see them in person! Ahhhhh.... swoon!

  6. Thank you for posting this. I have been doing a modified version of CAFE this year - along with Guided Reading. Your chart is much neater than my hand written one! :)

    I can't wait to hear what you have to say about the conference!

  7. Love it! Thanks for sharing your strategy cards. :)


  8. Thanks Jess! Your advice does help.

    To everyone using Daily 5,
    I was wondering, how long is your reading block? What is your timing for whole group, daily five and independent reading? I pretty much could spend ALL day reading with my kids. In previous years, I would begin the day with math just to make sure I wouldn't forget to do it!

  9. Glad to help! We have a required 90 minute reading block that has to be in the morning. I have 20 minutes of whole group, 50 minutes daily 5, 20 minutes writing, and 20 minutes of independent reading. I could definitely spend 30 more minutes at least in reading! I love it! I have started to like math more by adding math rotations this year.

  10. I still use CAFE in my class and how it has evolved in the past 3 years. I find it hard to believe I spent 13 years in centers and all that work. This is way more rigorous and involves authentic practice. I just love Daily 5/CAFE, too.
    We have 2 hour block for it and it works great!


  11. Thank you for sharing these! They are great! I also love the way you changed the CAFE Menu to the FACE of a Reader. I am so excited to say that I will be seeing the 2 sisters next month! I can't wait!!
    ~ Mrs. Mc

    P.S. After seeing all of these wonderful posts by everyone, I just started my blog today!! Thanks for the inspiration!


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