
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Cute Stuff!

The past few days I've had a lot more time to surf the net, blogstalk, and peruse through all kinds of great teacher resources (due to the arctic blast here in Texas).  These are a couple of my favorite ideas/posts...check them out!

1.  I love Mrs. Bates' 100th day Portraits with accessories.  The cotton ball hair is just too cute!  These are priceless.  It looks like our 100th day will be on Tuesday so I might just have see if I can squeeze this in (amongst all the other stuff I have to squeeze in)!

Isn't it darling?

2.  Mrs. Waddingham's blog has some really cute activities for math, science, writing, and football! One of her friends also makes the cutest little trinkets! I am in LOVE with this mailbox, and I'm headed to FB to get more information!

3.  Mrs. Wills is also giving away lots of freebies!  She has already posted some word work and math activities that are connected to Valentine's Day and showing love!  

4.  I also discovered Mrs. Patton's Patch.  She teaches first grade, and she has several social studies units about comparing "long ago" and "now."

5.  Last but not least, Mrs. Harris, a second/third grade looping teacher posted a Valentine Coupon book. 

There are so many more wonderful ideas that I have seen!  I wish I had time to compile a huge list of all of them.  There would probably be 100's of great ideas/activities for February.  However, while the boys are napping, I'm off to try to catch some z's myself!


  1. I am seriously HONORED to have made your list... I feel in no way comparable to the wonderful and creative teachers that I've found out here in blog land. Thank you so much for that lovely morale boost! :) You just made my day!

  2. You are so sweet to add me to the list. I just entered in this little blogging world and I am also honored to make your list :)

    With all these snow days, I'll be posting some more stuff soon.

    Thanks for making my day! :)

  3. Wow, that's all I can say- Wow. Thanks so much for including me on your list, it really is a honor. I echo, Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Patton when I say - You made my day!!!

    Thanks again!

  4. This Texas weather is crazy! The district where I am student teaching has not had a snow day but we are thinking we might have a late start tomorrow because we are supposed to get some snow. I will believe it when I see it though!

  5. Anonymous2/03/2011

    Love the100th day portrait idea! I'll file that away for next year.

  6. Thanks for the shout out Brooke!!! I was shocked and flattered to see my name on your blog.
    Jenn Bates

  7. Thanks for sharing all of these fabulous ideas & resources! They are beyond wonderful and have helped our little first grade family learn so much! :)
